Tina Farace-Lange — Melbourne, Florida

This sorry excuse for a woman is a publicist here in Melbourne, Florida. At the time her ***** horns emerged with my husband, she had just met him 2 weeks prior as she met with him and his brother in an effort to become the publicist for our company the two of them run as it was gaining notoriety quickly and needed someone to manage all of the media requests, appearances and so forth. She, too, was married and even caught wind of the gig via her husband who is an artist and was doing some work for the company himself. De There was an event taking place 2 hours out of town the week before Christmas that would end up being a late night so the event coordinators offered to put all that would be attending up in a hotel as a convenience. I was supposed to go but my husband failed to let me know they would be leaving earlier than planned and gave all the right reasons why it was “no big deal” that I go anyway. I honestly didn’t suspect anything at first. After all, she was married and I, frankly, didn’t think she was all that attractive (although I will admit she has improved since then – the 4th pic I provided was then while the others have been made since then). Oh yeah – and let’s not forget – I thought he was with me and things were (seemingly) great between us.

I could tell things weren’t right as it got later into the night. I immediately thought to check our cell phone bill for current usage after something he said about her losing her phone. Men give themselves away pretty easily (if you know your man well enough and we’ve been together since I was 13 and he was 15 – we’re in our early 40s now) without even realizing it. Upon checking our phone bill, I saw that even though they were at the same event and he hates texting, there were 67 texts between them within 2 hours’ time. Funny thing is, she had supposedly lost her phone but after an hour and a half of no activity on his phone and right after the time she “lost” hers, the first call made was FROM her phone with several texts that followed after that.

The next morning, she sent me a friend request on Facebook. I accepted. I read her posts and saw her pics from the event the night before. All innocent enough. I sent her husband a friend request. He accepted. I waited about a day and made a remark that only she would catch the true meaning of indicating to her that I wasn’t stupid. It was clever enough that no one else would catch what I meant – and neither would she unless she was as guilty as I knew her to be. She immediately deleted and blocked me from both her and her husband’s Facebook pages. Yeah – that’s what I thought. She couldn’t have screamed “GUILTY” any louder than that.

From that point, all I got was denials and the rumor began that I was a crazy, jealous wife. It took me a long, miserable year to get a confession out of him but to this day, she will not speak to or acknowledge me in any way, shape, or form. Although I’ve never spoken to her husband about it because she apparently still has his email passwords and has blocked any attempts I’ve made to contact him, he filed for divorce 3 months later and it was finally almost 6 months total after that night. He took the kids and she still just gets visitation and pays him child support. It gripes my *** that she doesn’t have the decency to “man up” to what they did and at least offer a pathetic apology or something. I don’t know. I guess she proved to be worthless as **** when she made the decision to do what she did with a married man as a married woman. Expecting anything halfway decent from her is my own ignorance.

Of course, after a week or two, she was “let go” and the project her husband was doing for us had already been completed already so that was that – as far as I was told. I know better but there’s no sense in dragging this any further along. The point has been made already and that is that TINA FARACE-LANGE, a (now 40-year-old) publicist living in Melbourne, Florida, is a HOMEWRECKER and deserves to be outed as such! And believe me, I’m not the only one with a story of this nature about her.

As for my relationship with my husband, I don’t expect anyone to understand and I don’t care to make this story into a 12 chapter book in an effort to make anyone understand but we are and have been in counseling and remain together. I have 4 beautiful kids that deserve our effort to stay together among other reasons. Even still, I feel certain I will suffer scrutiny from one or many readers and if you happen to be one of them, I’m sorry you feel that way. I’m doing what I feel is best for my situation and anyone with any empathy at all will respect that.

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