Timothy Wade Martin — Mcalester, Oklahoma

This man is a Liar, cheater, f**ks every woman he talks to, relationship or not he don’t care he ruins every girls life she’s been with he’s got a dirty ***k he runs trains on woman with his friends he has 3 kids with two different woman he never has them he has another girl pregnant so 4th child and the 3rd baby mamma. And De she’s already left him as well! He failed a mairage because he could never keep a job and was always drinking and failing as a father and a husband, he beat his second baby mother and strangled her son?? who does that?? This man. Also gave her an std when she was pregnant His d**k is small anyways and he’s not a man he’s a big loser and every girl seems to want him until they see who he is his new baby mamma #3 left him and she cheated on Timothy with his best friend Owen croslin!!! and in her exact words he pushed her and drank all the time and did drugs. Stay away from this guy ladysssssss. And he doesn’t believe in ***. Shame on him. Stay away Unless you want an std and a pos.

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