Timothy Morrison — Murray, Utah

This man’s entire life has been living in and out of tents, acting homeless and getting sympathy of church members then stealing from each and every person that has ever helped him. De he blames the world that he ne-er do well, when everything is completely his fault. He has those pathetically sad “homeless” puppy eyes and is on all the dating sites. He is not right in the head. Be warned, he will steal and forge your checks and steal every piece of jewelry and anything he can get from you. This is even after you give him a warm place to stay. He stole from his own mother. He will tell you how bad women have treated him and over and over with the poor me stories. He will tell you he is expecting an inheritance or some money coming in. ALL A LIE. It is always someone done him wrong, when it was him who did them wrong. I have no idea how he ever got a security guard job! I do not think these places check. Either that, or he is using aliases. You need to get his prison records. He has been in Destin, FL, Nashville, TN, New York, AZ, OH, and his family is from Murray, KY. Is a flat out drifter grifter, will ask you to marry him while the one he just married is in another state. HE FLAT OUT WINS THE PSYCHO AWARD !!!!

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