Time Warner Cable — Customer Service

On 06/21/14 I called Time Warner Cable to order new services for my new address. To say the least, my very first impression of Time Warner Cable was very poor. I had spoken to a representative who spoke broken English, (obviously an outsourced sales department) who offered me a package that did not even exist. I had ordered premium DVR services with the impression that I would be receiving 15-20 MBP/s (for a very fair price) which I stressed was very important to me. The representative also guaranteed that I would be receiving $100.00 Visa Pre-paid card for signing up with Time Warner. I decided that I would make an order with Time Warner Cable, and enjoy the services promised to me for the price range that was guaranteed to me AND the $100.00 Pre-paid gift card. After ordering my services I asked the representative about a new promotion being advertised at the time, which claimed that Time Warner Cable would help you get out of your contract with any other cable provider. The representative told me that there was a promotion running and than transferred me to another sales department. Upon speaking with the other representative (who spoke clear English and was American) I come to find out that my internet speed would only be 10-15 MBP/s, I would not be receiving DVR services, and that the $100.00 Prepaid Visa card (That you receive after 6 weeks) is Time Warners way of helping you get out of your contract. Infuriated I canceled my TV services, and continued my television with Direct TV; however, I still ordered internet services through Time Warner, in which they stated they would provide me with WiFi services without the monthly fee for my inconveniences (which I later found out that it was just another promotion that was never offered to me.) THEN I receive a phone call from the Risk Department stating that I must call them back or they will cancel my service order. Upon speaking with them they told me that I owed them a cable box, and a past due balance from four years ago. I can understand if I owe a past due balance, but I most definitely returned all of my equipment to the local Time Warner Cable Office in Niles, Ohio. Upon working with the Risk Department I was told that “This is a corporate office, we have the right to deny anyone service,” “You may not speak to a supervisor,” and basically treated me like a PoS. They are forcing me to pay them in 3 installments ($159.00 on top of my monthly cable bill) when asked if we could extend the installments to maybe 6 months to make it more affordable they refused.

To be honest, I am a Probation Officer and I treat Felons with more hospitality than Time Warner has initially showed me. I truly wish that there were other internet providers in my area. I’ve never had any issues, or have been treated with the level of disrespect that Time Warner has shown me in the past 4 years with Armstrong Cable. (ALSO, there is nothing more un-American than outsourcing your company)

It would be nice if Time Warner just focused on providing consumers with exceptional customer service, and to focus on being more consumer friendly. Also, it would be nice if your risk department wasn’t a bunch of “try hards,” and didn’t make people feel like ****. I believe this company would find that it would be more productive if the representatives would actually work with the consumers on resolving past debt issues, and had more options rather than a 3 month payment plan. In the past I truly did enjoy the services Time Warner provided me, it was by far the most efficient internet provider in my area… its a shame that the individuals representing this company would show customers no hospitality, and treat them in the manner that I have been treated like this week.

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