Tim Wiencis — Paparazzi Pedophilia Photographer

I have known Tim Wiencis for over 10 years, and he seemed to be a pretty good guy to me and my wife. My kids even called him Uncle Tim. He would buy all kinds of toys and candy whenever they asked him. He has even done my family’s portrait. He’s a well-known photographer who has taken pictures of Hollywood Movie stars as he is part of the Paparazzi. He has shown me some of the pictures of some of the Movie stars, such as Alec Baldwin, Clint Eastwood just to name a few big names from Hollywood. I felt. very comfortable with my kids being watched by Tim Wiencis on evenings that my wife had to go out to meetings. My wife and I are Amway Distributors and part of being an Amway Distributor is going to hear different Speakers speak about how they first started doing Amway, struggling to get their business off the ground, and finding other people to be sponsored by a Distributor. Well after six months of Tim watching our eight-year-old son and six-year-old daughter, one evening our son and daughter were at Tim’s house being babysat by Tim Wiencis, when we arrived at pick-up the kids As we were heading home my kids told me that they had something to tell us. Well, I told my son we would talk when we got home because I don’t like to do much of anything except to paying I attention to the traffic that’s on the road at the time. When we got home we sat down in the Family room all four of us on the couch and I said OK what is it that you need to tell us? We have had told our kids that if there was anything bothering them, that they needed not be scared of coming to my wife and me. Our son told us that Uncle Tim acted differently with my son and daughter than the way he has acted towards them in the past. I asked our son what he meant by that. He said that Uncle Tim had asked if he could help him out with a special project that Uncle Tim was working on. Of course, our son and daughter love to be able to do anything to help. Our son said that Uncle Tim told him that no one could be told about the special project because people may not agree with the project, especially Adults. This concerned my wife and me very deeply, that Tim would make those comments to an Eight-year-old and a Six-year-old. So I asked my kids what they meant by special project, they said that for the project that he was working on that he needed to have some pictures taken of our kids. Of course, our kids agreed to Tim taking pictures of them. He even mentioned that he was going to make movies of our kids and that they would be part of the famous people that he has met and done pictures.Our children said that they were really excited that Tim would make them very famous.I asked them what happened when the kids agreed to be part of the special project? Our kids said it started off with Uncle Tim taking some innocent pictures of the two of them, as Tim got going with the pictures, they seem so innocent pictures got to be different. Tim told both of my kids that they needed to get on his bed and lay down, which our kids said they did. Tim started to acting funny it seemed to our kids and that it was started to scare both of them. Tim just said to relax that everything was going ok and that there was nothing to be scared of. In a matter of a few more pictures being taken, De Tim told them that he needed for the kids to strip down to their Underwear for the next set of pictures, after some hesitation, both of our kids went ahead and did as Tim had asked. The next thing our kids knew Tim started really start to act funny, he had told our son to reach over and take his sister’s clothes off and for our daughter to do the same to her brother. After some more hesitation on our son and daughter did as Tim had asked and they undressed each other. Tim told our son that he has never seen an Eight-year-old boy with a ***** the size of our son. Just after the kids had been undressed and Tim taking pictures of our kids naked, my wife and I had called and told Tim that we would be there in about a half-hour. When we arrived we were greeted at the door by our kids who now that I thank about were acting very peculiar. When our kids told us this, of course, I was outraged that a person that I felt could be trusted with my children turned out to be a pedophile. I only found out after I had called the police, that Tim Wiencis is a Registered Child molester. The Police talked to our children at length about what had happened with them and Tim, and our children told the police officers the same thing that they told my wife and me. The police immediately went to Tim’s house and arrested him on charges of misuse of minors in pornographic material, and child abuse. Tim Wiencis is a very sick man and he needs to be castrated, and never allowed to see another day on this Earth. The sick son of a ***** has messed up my kids to the point where they are seeing a Psychiatrist because of this sick mother ******. The death penalty isn’t good enough for this *** hole in my opinion he should be given life in prison, and he is put in a cell with someone like Big Bubba who child was molested by someone like Tim Wiencis. I found out that Clint Eastwood had knocked Tim Weincis out one time because he overheard him telling a 10-year old that he wanted to have the privilege of being the girl’s first guy to have *** with her.?


6 thoughts on “Tim Wiencis — Paparazzi Pedophilia Photographer

  1. You son of a ***** liars will see when you are in court for these postings that you are not anonymous and you will be found guilty of libel and defamation not to mention internet stalking and harassment.

  2. Tim Wiencis is a paparazzi pedophile. He is the lowest form of scum and will rot in ****. imagine a piece of fat **** like Tim posting on the Internet. He recently tried to write negative comments about my business in Florida. He deserves to be in a mental hospital. His ugly creepy fat wife Squire is another piece of **** that allows this child in a man’s body to play judge and jury on the Internet. I will do everything I can to contact all the other victims that this fat **** has stalked and hope we can all get together to bring him to justice. The fat *** doesn’t even work. What a joke this idiot is. Believe nothing that he says.

  3. Leave my husband alone. I swear to ***, My husband has only raped and molested two children that I know of, and all of a sudden he is a pedophile! Please don’t misjudge my husband. I am an insurance lady and have been involved in my own scams in this industry. Please leave my husband alone he paid his debt to society.

  4. It happens every day. There are literally thousands of these monsters like Tim Wiencis unaccounted for, roaming our streets and cities. That is scary! No wonder so many parents are overprotected of their kids! Tim Wiencis shame on you

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