Tim Ladewig — Tennessee

He is liar, manipulator and narcissist. His ego is so large that it doesn’t matter to him who he hurts. He pretends to be sensitive and loving and it is all an act. He pretends to be someone he is not. Beware ladies, he is exhausting to be with and not in the good way. He is an alcoholic with terrible mood swings. He is mentally, physically and verbally abusive. He keeps everyone in his life separate thus protecting all his lies. No one person knows the real Tim. He is a chronic cheater and tries to deny his actions. He even breaks up marriages to feed his ego. Someone who acts so tough is actually very weak. He works for companies that will allow for actions and cheating to happen and even pay for them. He treats all women like dirt and even calls his own mother names. He is a closed door racist. There is so much more that can be told about him but y’all get the idea. Please, beware ladies….

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