TikTok — Blocking Videos Claiming Community Guideline Violations

I’ve posted quite a few tik tok videos and a few including my latest video was blacked out siting Community Guideline Violation. I did a video at one point where I wore a dance outfit that was a solid color, not see through and very tasteful with only my mid drift showing; they blacked me out. Yet, I’m going through almost every video for that particular challenge and you had women in bikinis, what’s the difference? This latest video I posted was for the Bow Bow Bow challenge where it depicts firing of a firearm in clean fun but none the less. The only thing I did just like the memes popping up and everything else is I referenced the Will Smith and Chris Rock incident. They blacked me out citing Community Guideline Violations. If you look at almost every video in this challenge they’re all somewhat similar in content except different scenarios. I feel at times Tik Tok advisors or board members or whatever they call themselves pick and choose who they want to allow to post videos. If I was a celebrity doing the challenge or had millions of followers, they wouldn’t block me. They even allowed hundreds of people to do their own spin on the Where’s Corbin challenge. This challenge was the most insensitive of all videos as the lyrics was about several young men in Florida I believe who were murdered and they never found the body of Corbin who at some point later was found in a shallow grave. This video challenge played on and on and Tik Tok never removed it even with a lot of people including Corbin’s mom voicing her displeasure with them allowing people to make a mockery out of these kids deaths. Tik Tok has integrity issues of their own.

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