Tiffany Remsik Fennimore — Madison, Wisconsin

Tiffany and I have been together for 7 years. We broke up before for almost 2 years. The reason for that was because she was messing around with other guys and she was pill-popping. When we got back together 2 years ago, she told me that she stopped pill-popping. I took the relationship too slow so I wouldn’t get hurt. For two years we had a great relationship. We never argued. Just recently I was getting suspicious with her being with other guys. She told me she was going to Madison, Wisconsin to her parent’s house one day and I stopped by to say goodbye for the weekend and oddly she cleaned up the house and she was dressed up. later found out that she was going to see a guy name, Moses. She said it wasn’t anything like that. So again I put my trust in her. That evening I found out from text messages of another guy saying that they slept together 2 weeks ago. I told her about that. She denied it. I left and come back the next day to pick up my stuff and then she admitted that she slept with Matthew Ollhoff from Madison, Wisconsin. I forgave her and we went to see a counselor 2 days later. She told me and the therapist that she isn’t talking to them anymore. I figure we would work on our relationship like she wanted also. She told me that she was using Matthew Ollhoff for money. She is about to lose her house. She is so in debt but I tried so hard to help with anything. That same day she was going to Madison and my son forgot his football over at her house so I went there to pick up and guess what….Moses was there. I’m pretty sure they were doing something in the bedroom from what it looked like. De She is still pill-popping. She goes to random hospitals because she wants pain medicine. She’s pretty much red flagged here in Grant County Wisconsin. Just be careful if you meet her. She hasn’t just cheated on me either. She has a history. I wish things didn’t have to happen like this. What she told me recently that her husband that died almost 8 years ago had a fetish for telling his wife, Tiffany, to go out and sleep with other guys and come back and tell him everything while he masturbates. Just saying it’s not ok for any other guy for her to do that.

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