Tiffany Logan — Cottage Hill, Illinois

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a year, this little **** was a girl he had previously dated over 4 years ago… Recently she messaged me on Facebook bragging about their messages that have been goin on for the last 2 weeks and was trying to say that he was trying to sleep with her… After confronting my boyfriend about the situation he admitted that there had been messages exchanged that he completely regretted, but come to find out he never tried to sleep with her, but that he had went to his buddies house not knowing she was living down the road (mind you they hadn’t dated/talked in over 4 year) and was just recently engaged but he left her for cheating but that she showed up at his friends house and was all over him trying to get him to go back to her house and when he refused to do anything with her that’s when she tried blamin him for everything. Keep your men away from this *****. P.S. I seen all the messages to vouch for my boyfriend.

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