Tiffany Englehart — Kingston, Canada

Tiffany Englehart is probably Kelownas’s only female to literally steal from her kids, mom, best friend, pimp, and grandma all in the same hour just to support her crack habit. De this pig I hadn’t talked to in 2 years showed up drunk at my place yesterday and slept in my yard waiting for me to come home, after repeated warnings from my roommate to leave this obese donkey *** got hungry and walked right into my home/room and took 2 pairs of underwear and $200 of my money, she refuses to answer me now. De honestly, this girl is such a scvmb bag any guy looking to get with a hog this is your chance, she stinks like craft dinner and is so stinky down there they call her pokearotten puss. Tiff, your a class act get help.

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