Tiffany Ann Lovell — Spokane, Washington

ATTENTION ATTEMPTED FIANCÉ STEALER ALERT SHE WILL TRY TO FRIEND YOU THEN MAKE HER MOVE AFTER YOUVE HAD THE BABY. THANKS FOR OFFERING ME THOSE BABY GIFTS LMAO Hmm I took this down for a min just cause I had some remorse and thought well maybe I should discuss it with my fiance’ before I put him in this but my husband yes soon to be husband said call her out and put it back up she hit me up. He said it’s funny this picture doesn’t even look like her notice how the phone slightly covers her face that looks like it was hit by a Mac truck. Do you really think you could go anywhere in life by being a HOMEWRECKER JUST LIKE THEY SAY YOU WERE TRASHY THEN AND STILL NOW. WEVE ALL KNOWN YOUVE DONE THIS KINDA LOW DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO MANY MORE. “IF I DID SOMETHING I’D TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT HUH”….. RIGHT TIFFANY WHY YOU CALLED AND TRIED SO HARD TO SAY IT WAS MICHAEL BUT HAD NOT ON OUNCE OF PROOF. NEITHER DID YOU APOLOGIZE JUST KEPT SAYING I DID NOTHING WRONG ITS NOT LIKE IT WAS A PIC OF MY P*SS. YOUR SICK. Our daughter was just 3months and we separated for a moment get a handle on things when this snake less than 6 days of our separation face booked messengers him notice in May her conversation with look in August her messaging my man.

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