Tifani Germanos — Dallas, Texas

Watch out Dallas bars! Tifani Germanos is now upon you. This chick will ruin your business and take you down with it!! She hops from bartending gig to bartending gig. Tifani will attempt to run off all your staff- and will turn off customers. She’s got a filthy mouth, just check out her DWI arrest she so proudly posted to YouTube. If you so much as **** her off in the slightest bit she will report your business/Bar to health inspector, she will call TABC, she will post on ANY WELL KNOWN FACEBOOK GROUP and bash your business. she will call local news stations and the newspapers!!! She will do absolutely anything she can to wreak havock on your business. Also beware, she has 3 “ baby daddies” and knows everyone that these men date or have previously dated, if these women show up in your establishment she will cause a scene and most likely start a fight. She will tell you who needs to be banned from your establishment and if you choose not to ban them she will threaten to quit, if she quits- the vicious circle begins! She will then blast anything and everything on facebook. Tifani is the screen shot QUEEN. That being said do not send her anything you don’t want the entire world to know. She loves using social media to air her dirty laundry. Don’t think for a second that she won’t do this to you- it’s her track record. Now go to YouTube and search “ Tifani Germanos DWI” Listen to her trash talk the officer.

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