Tia James — Vernon, Canada

So this is Tiana, she goes by many names Tiana Boyd, tia James, tia moon, tia mae, ext. She needs to get her head on straight and if she tries to be your friend I would run as far away as possible. She does nothing but use people for what they have because she has nothing but what her abusive boyfriend will give her. Her mom looks like a clown and they are no different from each other, they steal, lie, do drugs, and sleep around. Has slept with numeral amounts of her friend’s boyfriends. And will call the girlfriends out when she gets upset they found out. She’s a low-life *****, who needs to leave. No one wants her here except her best friend, and her best friend is just some insecure little girl who is only her friend because she thinks she won’t get anything better, so she lets Tiana use her. They are retarded. De they needed to hear it sooner or later

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