Thomas Kollars — Dallas, Texas

Hi Dallas At&T meet Tipsy Tom (or run from him) this guy is a narcissitic alcoholic that has to keep running from city to city because of the reputation he leaves behind with his company and women . He has been been ran out of everywhere from phoenix, to austin, to wichita, and now he is blessing his grace in Dallas He can often be seen downing booze starting at 10 AM and thinks he is the hottest thing (honey you get roseaea when you drink you are never sober put down the bottle) rumor has it that he will *** anyone over who gets in his way and always has a poor excuse of how it isn;t his fault when the truth comes out. Rumor has it he was ran out of Wichita because of a girl who use to live there where he tried to steal her dog and her belongings after he coaxed her to move to Austin. Rumor also has it that he has been seen making appearances at some notorious gay clubs in Dallas trying to get some **** like station 4, round-up saloon, and hidden door. he treats women like **** because he is in his 30’s and too afraid too come out of the closet. then he stalks people’s lives to try and grab dirt because he thinks he is so much high mightier than everyone he knows, c’mon honey its time to come out of the closet now and let down your ego as why you just never fit “quite” in anywhere and really prefer the big “D” and not referring to dallas referring to men’s genitalia.

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