Theresa “Terri” Dowling Hembree — Clearwater, Florida

Theresa “Terri” Dowling Hembree is a 48 year old racist from Tennessee who is obsessed with the thought of her husband cheating with a black woman because that’s what he seeks out since she trapped him into marrying her… but she’s not the victim. She seeks out insecure men who share her laziness and lack of exercise. She’s a receptionist for Florida Veterinary Clinic in St. Pete, FL. She and the clinic lie to pet owners saying their pet is ill and she brings it home for her and her family to execute the animal in the yard. She goes after slovenly men, smelling of wet dogs daily, doing dab, marijuana, synthetic weed and alcohol. She doesn’t know who the father of her child is, that’s how she trapped her husband. Had him thinking it was him. She goes for women too, in her younger years, she’d attempt to bring them home. Her mom lives with her and tries to join into her escapades. They become obsessed with these women, who she doesn’t even compare to. She is abusive and beats her husband who weighs literally 100 lbs. less than her, who she controls with treats of calling his P.O. What a winner?! You know she’s coming because she’s loud, and obnoxious.

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