The Salvation Army — Wouldnt give prescribed medication at medication time

This morning sun march 27 I woke up at 7 and I was not feeling feel felt nauseous so I took a phegen which a anti nauseous pill I couldn’t take normal medication such as potassium etc, I went to take meds again at scheduled time 1240 and Erica in the office told me I couldn’t take any of my medication that I didn’t take this morning and gave me a serious attitude started yelling at me that I could just leave I was upset over this I need my fluid pills and potassium. Ms. Evelyn worked last night and gave me phenagan this morning she can say she witness me only taking phenagan. Harriet Sieber was outside and could hear Erica yelling at me. Everytime I try and take meds with Erica she gives me a attitude or asks what my work schedule is when Im coming back etc I feel this is none of her business and wish I wasnt having these issues with my medications.

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