Teri Clemmens — Ontario, Canada

This girl is the biggest joke in town! She’s 30 but dates guys who are 20 & lets them control her and boss her around, she lets him hit her and yell at her in front of her kids and expects this boyfriend of hers to stop getting high, being social with his friends, and stop playing video games and take care of her kids from another man who takes care of them better since she always pawns them off to him so she can live the fast life teenage dream queen who wants to stay in neverland forever and not grow up.. she doesn’t know how to have friends or keep them. De she copies other girls styles, she spreads a bunch of rumors and lies, & has a grow op of pot plants in her house and she **** her own underwear if she doesn’t make it to the bathroom on time then laughs about it while she’s cleaning out her ****** underwear, BARF. She’s ****-talked my name, been jealous with whoever I give my time to that isn’t her. Basically, you’re not allowed to have other friends or even a life with this girl.. she will call CAS on you and tell them you do drugs when it’s actually here and her pathetic little boy toy who thinks he’s king ****. OoOoOoOo yaaaa they have matching tattoos that say king and queen on them when REAL kings and queens don’t need a tattoo identifying them, they already KNOW they bad ***. This girl honestly just went downhill and keeps going down. She left her baby dad of 10 years with this little boy she cheated on him with then eventually Left when he found out and kicked her out of their brand new beautiful home, so she moves her and her kids in with this fool and his parents. Nice one Teri! I’ve had enough and I’m sick of your **** along with everyone else who’s had enough! STOP BEING A LOWLIFE TERI AND SMARTEN THE *** UP!!!! GREAT WORK DIRTYEX

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