Temu.com — This is getting ridiculous

I placed an order on there website for two items and they promised to have my order between August 29th-October 7th or they would garentee a full refund which they have actually done, but when I talk to there customer service agents they act like they don’t care and call me dear, I understand it is being polite but I am not there dear and all the can keep saying is be patient be patient be patient!! Well I am tried of hearing that this package has been in the same location since August 22nd and not moved!! And past security which I understand but I had a package from wish.com that came from ***** and it got here away earlier than this package has… Well every time I call customer service they act like they don’t care and they don’t want to do anything about it I told him they should have refund my money and give me another one and shipped the next day service when we can’t do that just be patient this is getting ridiculous

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