Taylor Trombley — Haughton, Louisiana

This girl here does not know when to back off. She has told me personally she has had past relations with my husband, prior to us knowing each other. Then, when we are having a difficult time in our relationship, she managed to weasel her nasty self back in. My husband had gotten back into the circle with his old friends doing drugs. And this dope ***** manages to creep back in concerned about his feelings and how his marriage is. If there’s drugs involved this tramp is all in.. My husband and I are now trying to work on our relationship again with counseling, etc. If you know someone who’s been with her warn them to get themselves checked. My husband told me she has herpes and that’s why he didn’t sleep with her now.. still having issues with this but got tested and clean.

Karma will get her & I will sit back and smile. She needs to know she’s a “use to be” girl. Quit fantasizing about the future you will never have. Yes, he “use to be” in your DM, snapchat, & facebook. But, let me tell you what he didn’t do. He didn’t chose to go further in life with you. He didn’t chose to let you carry on his last name, build a future, have his children, or respect you as a queen. Yes we have had our problems and are both aware it stems from drug use. He is getting help for that and I will stick by his side. You are nothing more to him than a “use to be” chick and a has been. No future was ever seen in you. Kiss my *** as you watch us move forward in life. Karma has your number.

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