Taylor Thi Tuyet Nguyen — Minnesota

This “lady” has been sexting with my husband for a long time. She started in March 2016 when he had broken his arm at work and I was working 55+ hour weeks on top of taking care of him. Then when we got married in Dec 2017, she contacted him 2 DAYS AFTER OUR WEDDING! My 23 year old son was killed in a motorcycle accident in Feb 2018. A few days after that she reached out to offer her fake condolences and then asked how our *** life was at the moment. She sext him! The lowest point of my life, and her idea of reaching out is to be concerned with his *** life while I am grieving the loss of my son. I mean if you really want to do something, bake a freaking casserole for ***’s sake! When I found all of this out a few days ago, instead of having the conversation with me, she blocked me everywhere. Obviously not proud of her actions, she blocked my husband too. So I told her boyfriend what she had been doing. He dumped her!!

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