Taylor Shelton Sh1ts Herself As Serial Stalker

here is Taylor Shelton ( everyone beware) sh1tting herself on the crapper – like a dirty stinky STALKER FREAK while she lurks on her phone stealing pictures of pretty girls. This pic sums up Taylor the terrible piece of **** garbage -that deserves to die for posting EVERYONE she bullied on this site! News flash ***** no one cares about you – Taylor messed up- you have been cast aside and a are a throw away child!!!! If you want to threaten suicide and keep sending disturbing photos- go do it! If you want to keep stalking people- and stealing pics – get a job ! If your on the sh1tter – sh1tting yourself lurking- flush your sh1tty self down the sh1tter too! Quit hiding in your rental ! Your broke and ugly and all your posts are the same- you illiterate high school drop out- HEAD Case you need to be schooled – YOU WRECKED YOURSELF ! Stinky buns the infamous peeping taylor of tilbury- depressed n looking sick and frail – here is a garbage pail *puke* shelton * claims shes dying and her bipolar has taken over. She changes her name every day on Insta and all her fake profiles on facebook have finally caught up with her. Tayslore used/ abused so many people and stole money from nice guys to tried bailing her out. Its simple she loves to be sick and CYBER STALK online. Taylor SHELTON is addicted to ****, cyber bullying, stealing photos, and writing lies about any nice person. Taylor bragged about being raped by her dad and said she prefers older men to bang but will still take underage guys back to her place and use them. Taylor admits shes crazy and **** *** has made her a wild monster. So crazy with **** she is not sure if she’s transitioning into a male named Tete with a pepe, Taylor confessed for a long time- her mental sickness is worse -she is not getting better and threatned suicide by jumping of the Ambassador bridge. Taylor says no one likes her- she hurt her family- and killed off any friendships. She knows nobody would even be at her funeral ! Taylor has been sh1tting herself alot lately- getting rammed by random men she stalks on plenty of fish and Tinder. Yes we all know who you are !!!! Taylor makes fake accounts- uses fake names then she slanders- writes lies about nice people! Crazy right ? Yes, she agrees but gets off to being nuts and Taylor continues to threaten suicide if you block her. She is nuttier than jiffy peanut butter-boy does she love big hairy sweaty nuts on her face. Shower for once we get it your a lonely stalker- you even admitted your Biploar is out of control your ashamed of yourself and suffering hard-inside! NEWS FLASH ….NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU ! Taylor confessed to all of us- admits to harming innocent people but refuses to change her sick ol ways. Started out getting banged out at Tilbury truck stops- then she banged her way to drds -Infested-Windsor and “believes” she has hit the jackpot. The only thing Taylor hits is crack pepsi. Then Taylor the Tranny bangs out every Tom, Rick and Barry WHILE she screams, slams oors and calls 911 on herself while pooping in pants in the bathroom. Loose *** **** Loving FREAk She a man tho and can take it – Big Black Mike having her shut the *** up… for a minute. Then she blames black men for giving her drdsherpes and clap- racist white ***** troll! Taylor is broke -shes loses her **** when men sleep with her and don’t pay for her advertisements. Very gross and nasty. BRAIN DEAD. Just ask Dave and Ryan – stories galore. Looser than pocket change and cheaper then her plastic pleaser boots that she wears for *** customers……get a life -your still not worth a cheeseburger ……crumbs only ….dirty pigeon big nosed sloot. Your time is finished Anastasia -biplolar twin Taylor *** crazed Tranny PSYCHOTIC drunken sailor getting fuked in cheap flannel with bulging big camel ….toe…..yes taylor this song is for you yes we already know you **** and **** yourself – give this ***** some shoes get to walking off the bridge- poof Hows the pity party now sloot- oh wait you forgot to **** on me like you **** on everyone else – for free wait cut the **** -sloot you should died a long time ago liked when we shoved a baseball bat up your *** just for laughs I should of posted that ho nope your still a ***** – A scared hiding snitch who so stupid she dug her own ditch Everyone’s waiting for an accolade to confirm your gone go ahead and DIE and get ****** and Sh1tted on ! scared sh1tlesss regardless……….. Tilbilly TAylor

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