Taylor Hodder — Taylor The Dumptruck

Taylor Hodderis a dirty *****, inviting dudes over to her house while her man isn’t home. She’s currently cheating on her boyfriend Tyler with some older man LOL. She pretends to be a goody good who’s experienced loss and all these other heartbreaks bit in reality she’s just a pathetic loser looking for ANY attention she can. Ugly as *** in real life, and the WORST AND MOST UNPROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER IN OTTAWA. *** Taylor get your **** together you fuking nasty ***. I hope you catch gonorrhea AGAIN you dirty dirty girl. Go cry for more attention you bucket. By the way ladies, watch your man around this one. My friend did a family shoot with her and then she goes and tries to hit up her husband. Ew. He is married you crusty *****. Get a fuking life and a grip on reality. You’re trash, your “business” is trash, and I hope you live a sad pathetic life cause you deserve it. Nasty *****.

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