Taylor Forsythe — Princegeorge, Canada

Taylor Forsythe is the most fake *** ***** you’ll ever meet, all she does is act all nice and polite to her, ‘friends N inlaws’ then the second they leave it’s mad **** coming out of her mouth!!! Making fun of their weight, and how she makes the family look good. ***** please you look like a total junkie!! You have a ugly heart the only thing nice thing on you is the ***- only if people could see the true person you are. Do your ‘friends’ know how you shame them as a mother once their gone!?? Does your one friend in Edmonton still not know you called the ministry on her twice when she lived in Prince George?? Or does she know about when you made fun of how she’s still learning to be a mom and fuked her baby daddy she’s still not over??? Or what about about another friend who’s place is ‘always messy’ sweety please your place isnt the cleanest either. My mistake was being your friend- who knows the **** you said behind my back ? my last rope pulled from you is at the casino walking around around like your **** dont stink (***** is probably real nasty??) thinking you can flirt around with my man sweety dont flatter yourself it’s his FUKING JOB to be nice to you most of the security here are only nice because it’s their job or they know you’re only good for getting their **** wet. Bet poor Jonny doesn’t know of all the men you *** – all these young and old men you message. Why you’re always on your phone, always on snapchat or taking so long in the bathroom. Fyi 2 weeks ago when you sent my bro a picture of you in your black lace underwear trying to front your **** just know all he did was laugh with his friends about how you’re knocked up with who knows who’s kid and thinking you’re so sexy ?. My heart feels for Jonathan and his family- I bet he has not the slightest clue of how much you flirt with other people messaging taken men- expected fathers- MARRIED men. You are complete TRASH!!! utterly disgusting and alot women around town know it. Keep ffuking with the wrong ***** and you wont be so lucky like seriously how can you live in someone’s house and talk all the **** possible about their family?? How can *** around on someone so loyal!! You are the reason the good guys are going down the drain. KARMA WILL FIND YOUR NASTY FAKE ***. xx ?

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