Taya Walters – Canada

This woman lives in Cape Town but travels weekly to Johannesburg for work…she sexually exploits people, lies and makes you believe she cares about you, she’s an emotional vampire and so good with words…she gets what she wants, makes you fall in love with her and when you share a feeling with her she starts treating you like s***, is nasty, treats you like you crazy, and then just easily moves along to her next victim…she doesn’t last more than at least 2 months with 1 person before she moves to the next person…she pretends to be gay, but actually doesn’t really know who she is and what she is but thinks its her *** given right to destroy vulnerable people and play games and on top of everything flirts with any and every male in sight, even married men, so women beware of this vulture…the woman has no remorse, and uses her good looks to get sexual satisfaction…she’s good looking but has a black heart and feels nothing for anyone…she drinks a lot and loses all inhibition and therefore most of the time doesn’t know what she’s doing and possibly that’s why she treats people like she does…so unless you only want *** and chlamydia and no emotional involvement, Taya Walters is the woman to go to…

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