Tanya Beard — Toowoomba, Queensland

Tanya Beard who works out at beef city meat works knowingly chased after a married man. The pair Tanya and Ben stated taking on Facebook after meeting at work. When the pair started working out times to meet up for ***. She would send him messages saying her husband had just left for work but he would have to sneak in the back door so her daughter would not see him. But it was ok for them to have *** in the bed she shared with he husband as long as they were quiet. No regard for her husband or Bens wife or either pairs children. The pair have had *** in her family home on a number of occasions and even in the car park of the bp servo on the way to there work. They managed to have a sexual relationship for 4 months before Tanya got jealous of Bens wife and called while they were on a family holiday to inform his wife of the affair. She personally destroyed this family and has no remorse for what she has done. At this stage her husband is still in the dark unaware of what his wife has been doing in his bed while he is off working hard to provide for his family.

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