Tammy Fischer Myers – Colmesneil, Texas

This is Tammy fischer Myers, the women who my husband had an affair with while I was pregnant. My husband wasn’t the first married man and will not be the last married man she sleeps with. She isn’t the only one to blame but she **** sure didn’t put a stop to it. On Aug. 16th my husband posted something on Facebook in which she messaged him talking about it. She was flirty but he wasn’t. On the 17th she messaged him again starting the conversation up again and I then blocked her from messaging him because I knew her intentions. On August 25th I found her messaging my husband on Snapchat and I messaged her from my Facebook telling her if she did not leave my husband alone I would make it known to her husband. She claimed they were just friends and she was happily married which I did not believe. On August 28th we went to do our grocery shopping before the baby got here which was due September 9th.

We ran into her. Once we left I made a comment to my husband that at least I looked good that day because come on being almost 9 months pregnant it was difficult to even want to put on makeup. His response was well y’all both looked cute today. Then proceeds to tell me he is joking. My husband has always hunted but once these things happened he started to hunt more and was gone longer. I had my suspicions the entire time. Well on September 6th I had my last appointment before we would be induced. I started having contractions while at the doctor.

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