Tammie Dunlap — Saint Joseph, Missouri

My husband and I had been together for 18 years and we’re going through a rough patch. I left the relationship for a time to try and gather my thoughts and see if our marriage could survive. This was agreed upon by both my husband and myself and we were going to try and work things out. Well, as soon as I was gone, Tammie Dunlap came running. She thought that she was going to just waltz in and take my place in my husband’s heart. I found out about her rather quickly, hired a private investigator, and found out where she lived, where she worked, what car she drove, EVERYTHING! I then returned home and waited for the husband to go to work. I entered my home and found that she was starting to move in slowly…LOL. So, I took all of her belongings and bagged them up in trash bags, (where they rightfully belonged), and took them with me. I then went to see a lawyer, stopped all money flow, and got ready to fight. This silly twit of a woman, actually friend requested me on Facebook and told my husband that she wanted me to know that she could reach out and touch me…LOL. I told my husband to tell her the next time she was in MY HOUSE, that she needed to take a good look around because that was the closest she was ever going to get to actually living in a home-like that. Well, needless to say, the husband came back after about three days of this happening, and boy was Tammie ****** off. She sent this stupid little email to my husband, which I read and had a really good laugh at. My husband and I are now very happy and have an even strong relationship. And Tammie, still pitiful in Saint Joseph…LOL

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