Takealot.com — Bad App

My cellphone was loaded with a gmail address and my desktop has hotmail -when i put the takealot App on my cell phone i used the gmail to register(i already set up my takealot purchases on my desktop years ago using hotmail) i bought an item in June and the bank helped me because i am scared of huge purchases and the relative ebucks field was filled on my phone ,now i have not received the ebucks and FNB wants an invoice before they will resolve the issue (why takealot does not automatically give an invoice is strange) to try and log in to get an invoice is impossible, the APP will not recognize the order number and keeps filling in the request with my hotmail email and they seem to clash and my desktop will not allow me to register my gmail account. Obviously send me an invoice or at least make it easier to contact them -now i have to phone someone and spend my money trying to resolve an issue which would never happen if when they delivered the product also supplied an invoice

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