Sytania Broussard Racca — Lake Charles, Louisiana

Married 5 years and together for a total of 14. Week before Thanksgiving he comes home and tells me he is unhappy and went and saw a divorce lawyer. The following week we talked and it was agreed that we would work on our marriage, after all divorce was never in my line of view for us. My daughter and I packed some clothes and stayed with my parents the day after he told me he wanted a divorce. We spent her birthday together, things as a family and we even spent married time together. Christmas he came to my parents and we had new years eve alone. The weekend after new years we agreed we would move back in to our house since it was best for our daughter and he would move out while we worked on everything. So that Saturday I realized I had forgot to get something when we were there Friday night for the Mardi Gras ball that night plus I was unload my car so I could move stuff the following day. I pulled up with our daughter in the car and saw him poke his head out the door.

I get to the door with stuff to bring in and he tells me he doesn’t feel good to keep my distance so he doesn’t get me sick. I went to leave and remember the purse I need for the night so I go back in the door and start to make my way thru the house to go to our bedroom. I notice he is right behind me and goes a different way to cut me off at our bedroom. The door is shut…our door is never shut to the room. He went and picked up this ***** after we left Friday night and brought her back to our house and stayed in our house/bed. I could have done so many things that day but I thought of my child who was in the car and left. A few days later I text him and her with no response, then I texted her alone and the response was her taking no blame for her actions.

They started talking and whatever else in October. The fact my stuff and clothes were still in the house with pictures everywhere and she still had the audacity to screw him in our bed. They are still together and I filed for divorce Jan 18th. She can have his lazy, selfish, lying ***. He told me I gained too much weight after having our daughter and this ***** is bigger than me! I should have had my eyes opened all these years and saw him for the dog he was…but when a ***** is in heat the dogs come running…

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