Swiss Chalet — Discount coupons

$40.00 deal you get a $10.00 coupon,I had 4 adults over $80.00 and waitress said the coupons were all gone and did not offer anything to us.Also said it was my sons birthday,she said a free price of pie for him and we asked if he could get the cake slice instead,cause he doesn’t like pie and she said yes.They brought out the cake slice with a candle in it which was nice,but then charged me for it $8.00,I asked her why and she said I will get you your $8.00 and left,then returned with manager I guess and it was not free in place of the pie.I paid my bill and the 5(4 adults) of us left and will not ever return again,waitress was very forgetful from our drinks to our food.This was the first bad experience we have had there. Discount coupons as was suppose to be and a free desert.

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