Swiggy — Not Getting Full Refund

I ordered food from Grand hotel, Hyderabad. My order was prepaid..Everything was moving fine and my delivery partner was 10 minutes away from reaching my location suddenly my order got cancelled. I immediately chatted with the customer service and they never responded for more than 5 minutes.

Even after they respond they reverted me to different issue. So I escalated the issue to a customer call and informed them about my issue. They simply said delivery partner had called you many times and you didn’t respond. I even emailed them but got no proper reply. I was clueless because I haven’t got a single call from swiggy.

I was just tracking my delivery partner and waiting for his arrival.. I even tried to call the delivery partner but it was not reachable and said that my number is not registered..Finally the customer service put the blame on me and I informed them I will file a complaint against this issue.

I got the chat conversation screenshot and call logs for my evidence. This is the worst thing I ever faced being a loyal customer for swiggy for 2 years. I only got half of the price as refund..never gonna order from swiggy again.

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