Suzanne Pyles — Alexandria, Virginia

I trusted my husband, we own a business together. When he stays late he tells me whether it’s for catching up on client work or client dinners. I work part time and take care of the children. De we met Suzanne at our children’s little league baseball games. Her children played on the same team as my children and her husband even coached. We were all friends. Not best friends thank goodness.

I found out September 2013 that Suzanne had been sleeping with my husband and still pretending to be my friend. They had even planned to get our families closer so they could spend time together. I did see evidence of that as towards me finding out she was going out of her way to be near us/me. She apologized for flirting and making out with my husband but hasn’t yet said she was sorry for sleeping with him, pretending to be a friend.

I’m sharing a photo of her I found on my husband’s phone after they met in a cheap hotel, a close up of her, and an email he sent her.

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