Susanna Edgerton — Portland, Oregon

As my husband’s co-worker, she met me for drinks with his entire crowd after work one night. He introduced her as someone we “need to help find a good guy, cuz she’s got a broken picker & cant pick one for herself.” Turns out, she can pick them just fine. She just prefers the ones who have already been picked. She smiled at me across the table all evening, even hugged me goodbye… and then slept with him for 6 months. She finally disappeared when she borrowed hundreds of dollars from him (my tax return, mind you…) & he asked her to pay some of it back. Girl will take your boy for every penny she can get, sucking his **** & crying her sob stories about being a lonely vulnerable victimized single mom. But at least she’s easy to be rid of!! Just ask for some of the money back. POOF – gone forever.

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