— Bait and switch

Refusal to accept legitimate coupon; unresponsiveness of franchisee. I have a complaint concerning the Supercuts located at 5063 Park Ave. Memphis 38117. After completion of my haircut, I presented a $3.00 off coupon, which upon close examination was judged to be expired. However, I was told that if I paid the full amount and returned with a valid coupon, I could get the cash value of the coupon. I subsequently returned the next day with a valid coupon, which was refused by the manager. The manager refused to engage in conversation about the issue, instead giving me the franchisee’s telephone number and email address. I subsequently attempted to contact the franchisee via telephone and email on three separate occasions without success. It is my belief that the franchisee is intentionally refusing to communicate with me. It is also my belief that this situation is an example of “bait and switch”, an illegal business tactic intended to promote sales by promising one thing and then provideing something different. I base this conclusion on the following facts: 1) The expiration date is virtually unreadable by virture of being in a much smaller size than the main coupon. Thus the customer is unaware he will be unable to use the coupon to obtain the discount. Thus the merchant collects a higher price for the service. 2) An expired discounted coupon in and of itself is of no use in promoting sales unless the expiration date can be hidden and the customer forced to pay a higher price for the service. Accordingly, all discount coupons do not need an expiration date, unless it is the franchisee’s intent to mislead the general public. 3) The manager of the store refused to discuss the issue, indicating she had no legitimate explanation as to why she refused to honor an unexpired coupon as she previously claimed she would. 4) The franchisee avoids communicating with me because he has no reasonable explanation of his employee’s actions.

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