Summer Fortey — Ontario, Canada

Summer sleeps with men(while having a “serious relationship”) while she knowingly tested positive for stds. Sleeps with any guys that have weed or money all while her boyfriend Charlie sits in dark about it. She made her way through Sarnia but then apparently got kicked out for stealing and having a Pepsi habit. And don’t ever rent to her. She’s being sued by a landlord, has been kicked out of multiple places for nonpayment. Posts on snap and insta like her life are great. DE, But let me tell you it’s all a show and she really is just a giant mess who manipulates, lies, and steals. Tells people she’s got a bachelor apartment in London, when’s she’s really living in her mom’s basement in st Thomas, working minimum wage(a girl can’t even hold down a job for more than a month or even get a high school diploma) to support habits she can barely afford. If you have slept with summer Fortey, she knowingly gave you an STDS and you need to go get tested!!!

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