Subway — Overpriced for a bad sandwich

I’ve been a patron of Subway for years, so I know their pricing. I tend to lean towards the wrap sandwiches, which typically have been affordable, but today, not only did I pay $12.99 for a small 6-inch turkeybaconguacamole wrap, (which there was approximately 1 or 2 teaspoons of guacamole), but the employee stopped midway through making my wrap, went over to the cashier and whispered something to her for 5 to 10 seconds. The cashier then looked straight at me, deadpan, as the other employee returned to finish my wrap. $12.99 for a subpar meal AND attitude. And this meal didn’t even include anything else!! Just an overpriced dry wrap sandwich. I get that inflation driving prices up lately, but this is simply highway robbery. I for one will think twice about eating at a Subway again.

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