Steven Scott — Lacey, Washington

Okay, so this tool… man oh man do I have some words about this tool. First off, let’s start by saying that this man had an amazing wife. Absolutely beautiful and full of life. She bore 2 children for this man. She took care of him after his surgery, waited on him hand and foot. Gave him everything. And this little **** turns around and cheats on her. Okay, so she forgives him, to try and work things out. That’s all fine. Just recently, he does it again. With several girls. One of which is her SISTER. Now he turns into a complete *******, hides the fact that he has two girls and a WIFE to all his new girlfriends (there have been at least 3 so far within the month that we know of), and now he is telling his beautiful now ex-wife, to take the girls and leave. Are you kidding me? Ladies, stay away from him. He is bad news. He admits to being a womanizer and is a heartless scum bag. Don’t fall for it! I know this site is about women being a homewrecker, but I feel this piece of trash is just as bad. He wrecked his own home, and now is luring other women into his pit of slime. My friend has gone through **** because of this man. I won’t take it anymore. I’m calling him out on all his nasty sh*t.

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