Steven Michael Lougher Jr — Billingsley, Alabama

Name: Steven Michael Lougher Jr

Last Known Address:
2429 CR 53
Billingsley, Alabama 36006

Birthday: 1978-02-21
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue

Charge: Sodomy 1st

Charge Date: 10 March 2011

1 thought on “Steven Michael Lougher Jr — Billingsley, Alabama

  1. I have been engaged to Mickey for 6 months and just realized what a manipulative narcissist abusive person he really is. Is there any way you can email me the proof of him cheating as I see he was just added to this website on February 21, 2021 which was on his birthday and less than a month ago. I really need to know the truth. Please send proof.

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