Stephany Baltierrez — Dupont, Washington

Besides marrying an illegal to get him a green card while so she got paid for housing in the Army, this ***** has no limits to what she will do to get ahead. She decided to get pregnant while in school after basic training, and she decided to get pregnant by a clown she was going to school with, while still married to the first guy. Then she convinced the first guy to stay with her so she had help with the kid. Here’s where it really gets good. She found yet another new target while still married to the first guy, a guy that was unhappily married to a woman that was into 3somes. So after doing a few 3somes with the couple, she decided she was going to try to take the husband so she could get the nice house and better funds. She is definitely a straight money grubber, and only looks out for number one, no matter what wreckage she causes in anyone else’s life. After successfully breaking up their marriage, this trash used this 3rd guy for 7 years. She used him to support her through college, pay bills, provide her vehicles, buy her homes, and he even raised her son as his own. This guy even requested transfer from the East coast to the West coast in the military, just a few years shy of retirement, so she could be closer to her family. After starting school again on the West Coast, she started looking for the next better deal, and started cheating yet again. Eventually they split, and finally got divorced. Now this nasty thing is on the prowl for the next funding stream. She was last seen banging a former high school classmate who is now a military contractor. She will do anything to try to lock a guy down, and has recently starting looking for victims in AZ. She is a master manipulator, and will have everyone around her fooled into thinking she is a perfect mother, a sweet innocent angel, and flawless as they come. Her soul is as ugly and scarred up as her body, hidden behind a pretty face. Be warned, her disability from the military, her child support, and her paycheck are never going to be enough for this wh**e. She wants what she already has and yours too. She will use you up and throw you away just like every other man she has contaminated with her presence in their life.

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