Stephanie Schön — Kaufbeuren, Germany

Where to begin with this naughty girl? She has dumped her two bff’s like we were garbage, hours of hearing her complaining about life and supporting her and when you need her? poof she’s gone, she doesn’t want to talk with you anymore and just discards you, pretending you never existed. Same happened to her two ex’s, she cheated on her first boyfriend with who became her second boyfriend and then cheated on him with who is now her third boyfriend, she also slept with several different men during her relationship and very likely continues to do so. She’ll be moving to the US with her current boyfriend soon enough, so beware men and women one day she’ll start talking to you and telling you “I like you, I need your support” and cheesy **** like that, but truthfully she will wreck you, your home, your family, everything. She dissapeared from facebook after her last break up but she can still be found making awful pornographic *********** drawings on her crappy galleries and also the one belonging to her current boyfriend:


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