Stephanie Hoekstra — Chatham, Canada

this is Stephanie Hoekstra or Lunn from Chatham. She cheated on her husband and is now living the **** life. She cheats on every man she has with any man who will slap a **** in her when her man is not looking (man of the week) or does not give her enough attention. She rides around Chatham on a street bike trying to be something cool with her “bionic” arm she broke while Pepsi out jumping out a bail loft in a barn at “her” farm. “P.S. she broke AF. throws it all up to her nose. Everyone should want Stephanie because she is the greatest best person that has ever been in your life. Stalks you thru anyone of your friends, makes her friends drive by your house and your friend’s house, tries to make best friends with your sister or sister-in-law so she can stalk your past, forces marriage and buying a house, and having kids. Run. Drama attention *****, make sure you text her back or call her immediately because she blows up your phone, and already cheating on the latest victim- surprise Talks **** about anyone one of her friends to impress the other and actually believes every biker wants her for a wife. De Can’t turn this *** into a housewife drama, liar, and cheap ***** all in one package.

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