Stephanie Diaz — Pheonix, Arizona

This is Stephanie Diaz that likewise passes Rachel Garcia on Facebook. This female understood that my disloyalty fiancé was plainly in a connection with me however yet opted to continuously seek him as well as send him naked images as well as video clips via social media sites. I learnt about this cheating by browsing my loved ones phone while he was asleep. He failed to remember to remove his Snapchat application, he had actually been utilizing it behind my back and afterwards would certainly remove the application when I was about. This female is 35 years of ages with 7 youngsters, no work, and also no cars and truck. Then event I obtained my infant’s papa to claim to tease with her to see simply exactly how simple she was as well as to not a surprise it functioned. On her Snapchat messages to my better half she plainly recognizes herself as the side item which still impacts my mind since exactly what reputable female is okay with being a side item???? And when I obtained my infant’s papa to act to tease with her he plainly informed her he was wed yet she really did not care one little bit. I do not simply criticize this lady I condemn both my loved one and also her yet I intend to have her subjected prior to she attempts to hinder of any person else’s connection. She’s in Phoenix, Arizona and also my loved one remains in Colorado Springs so range suggests absolutely nothing to cheaters and also phonies. Don’t hesitate to look her up on Facebook under the name Garcia Rachel

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