Stephanie Barter — Tucson, Arizona

So let me tell you about this ugly *****. She was in a 3 year relationship with this amazing girl who even tho she didnt want to be with and straight up told her she didnt want to have *** with her…. they didnt have *** for a year … stayed around and tried to help her better her life. Her ex told her multiple times they shouldn’t be together that she didnt love her or want to *** her and the girl begged for her to stay . Talk about desperate. Then her ex finally had enough. Broke up with her and moved on with someone else. Got married. A year and a half later this ***** is claiming to people false accusations that her ex abused her.

Attention seeking *****. After she tried stealing all her exs friends. I’m sorry but I hate ******* who false claim abuse. And she had a bf literally weeks after they broke up who brags and tells everyone how bad she is at sucking ****… and how she put out the first night. She also lies on everyone saying they r her friends but trashing their name too. Shes a sociopath. She will pretend to be ur friend and try and steal ur life. She wont move on and if shes not getting attention she will make up lies! Her own bf told her he didnt love her and she begged him to stay *** her too. And he told her to wear makeup bc shes ugly. Lol this ***** needs to suck **** better that’s all she has going for her. Oh and by the way her nipples r as big as bologna!

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