Stanley Solutions — Online fake data entry jobs

Sir, I thought about an online job during this covid lockdown I have applied my application regarding an online job on the quicker website the next day I received a call from this Stanley solution and they said they will give job in which I have to do 1400 application date entry within 10 days. If I am not done my work on time then I have to pay 7100 rupees. Next, I came to know that this is a fake company immediately I messaged them and said why are you doing this fraud work .they saw the message and they did not reply me after 2 days they called me and said if you want to cancel your work send a mail to us they said then I sent a mail to them. After 7 days now they are threatening that they are going to file an FIR on me Or I have to pay 7100 + 3500 rupees. Help me 🙏🙏

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