Stacie Carver Beck – Tennessee

My husband played World of Warcraft and met this couple. He talked about them alot and was always going on about how poor Stacie has so much pain from something wrong with her arm. I actually felt sorry for her. He wanted to go visit them and they supplied the bus ticket. We were in major financial trouble and would soon go to court for eviction, but I didn’t make a peep about his vacation.
The day after he left I found out his niece had died in her sleep and I started trying to get him on the phone. When he didn’t get back to me all day I started digging out his emails. I found dozens of emails going back months. They were talking about how horrible their marriages were and how much they loooooved one another.
Then they talked about moving in together and finding an apartment in the same school district her kids go to. Remember I was about to be evicted with our three kids, AND he had tried to get me to move to a crappy apartment out of their school district just so I could keep HIS cats and had refused to go put an application at a cheaper apartment in our kids’ school district!

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