ST-Marketing — Employment Scam and Money Laundering Front

I was also contacted by Julia Golinski, who called as well. If you take this offer, which I foolishly did, they will eventually try to promote you. At first they say they want you to open packages and then use a shipping label they give you to send them elsewhere. When I asked about the legality or reasoning behind this process, they immediately offered me a promotion. This promotion requires you to go to a local bank and open a business account. They send you business documents with tax ein’s. They try to get you to move fast and say they want to deposit several hundred thousand dollars in this account and then have you purchase from a supplier. I questioned Julia and provided information to the banks and IRS. I asked Julia if everything she was doing was legal why she was suddenly so defensive and hasty. They never responded to me again, but every now and again I see the name pop up.

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