Spotify — Terrible Support….No Support

Been paying for Spotify PREMIUM for a couple years. I HAD it on my iPad Pro and my iPhone. I bought a new iPhone a week or so ago. Spotify transferred from my old phone and worked okay (it’s NEVER worked perfectly) I got in my Vehicle today and NO MUSIC. Spotify app asked me to log in. I’m IN MY CAR. TRYING to drive. Then somehow it decided to put me in the “FREE” account. NO PREMIUM. So I listened to NOTHING. I got home and Premium was still there on my iPad. (INCIDENTALLY, you can’t upgrade on the APP). They describe that as “Not Ideal”. I describe it as ******. I Tried and tried to find my info on my iPad. Sorry, I guess you have to be an MIT graduate to work that. I tried using their “Support” online. WHAT A JOKE that is! After fooling with it for FAR VTOO LONG I just cancelled my premium account. Lo and behold TOMORROW was the billing date. Well they won’t be getting money from ME. I deleted the App on my Phone AND iPad. Clearly other services MUST be less complicated and HUMAN FREE. Pandora here I come. SCREW SPOTIFY. No HUMANS? Who was taking my damned Money? Three months free premium MIGHT get me back.

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