Sondra Saastad — Reddeer, Canada

Well I’ll keep this short. This one flies through men but be careful shes got DRD. SOndra will act like she has it all but is on welfare and other assisted programs. When she is not out snorting Pepsi and playing dudes, she enjoys getting drunk and letting her son sniff her vag over her pants. SONDRA owns a clothing store downtown called Luksus which she mainly bangs all the men downtown, that’s where I caught her before she gave my boy the DRD. Good luck Sonni

1 thought on “Sondra Saastad — Reddeer, Canada

  1. We’ve all been ripped off everything sacred. And whoever posted this is a hypocrite and no doubt a bigger sinner than Sonni. I’ve known Sonni since we were kids, and I know the world has screwed us all over and filled all our heads with **** we dont need, led us all down roads we shouldve never went down, destroyed (or tried to) our dignity and holiness. Sonni is loved, no matter what. Its all the hypocritical decieved jealous butthurt people who have no idea how sinful and sin stained they are that post these things. -Dickie Dolan
    P.S. – if youre gonna google Sonni and find this and judge, just think about every dirty filthy deed and thought of yours that you ever did or had, being published before all Creation, which it will be. Then you’ll feel ashamed as you should. Otherwise, blow it off, give her love, and give her some effing money too *****, cause a woman has bills to pay. Then your sins might be covered.

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