SkipTheDishes — Missing items

I ordered medium pizza and 2 L pop on December 31st, 2021. The pizza came but the pop wasn’t, so I went to complain to chat support, apparently they’re not available, then I used the default ticket thing and send it. Next day, I received no notification from them, then I tried chat support again, no answer and filled out missing item thing and send it. Day go by, frustrated with them, I try to fill out the missing item thing again but, it’s not available. So today, since 6 days ago, I managed to get ahold of the chat support, Verender K, I explained that I didn’t get the refund for missing item, gave out my order and everything. Next thing I know is that they disconnected on me, I tried to reconnect, no response. I’m done with ripoffthecustomer.

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