SkipTheDishes — Miss delivery

I live at 53 Erin Ridge Dr. Townhouse 23 and the driver Curtis delivered my order to 57A Erin Ridge Dr. Townhouse 23 for my order 3703 on January 5, 2023. The people at 57A Erin Ridge Dr. were out and when they came home, saw my order on their doorstep. The owner came to my door to ask if I ordered something which I replied to what. Fortunately, they were honest enough to come to my door with my order because Curtis had marked my order as delivered but it was at the WRONG ADDRESS! If I had complained that I never got my order, I would have had an argument as it states delivered. Both complexes are clearly marked 53 Erin Ridge Dr., 57A Erin Ridge Dr., and 57B Erin Ridge Dr. Please speak to this driver and get him to pay attention more closely to the addresses! This is the first time this has happened and hope it will be the last. Please speak to the driver to pay attention more closely to addresses as if this does happen again and the other people are away, how do I prove I didn’t get my order when the driver says I did?

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